Why I Needed to Blog Before I Quit Creating - Pt. 2


Inspirations are my energy

As a creative, it’s so easy to get in a slump. It’s so easy to struggle to find motivation or inspiration.

Being creative is not an on/off switch.

It doesn’t always come easily. It takes a lot of energy to keep the creativity flowing.

When I’m in need of extra creative energy, I lean on my inspirations to give me the juice I need to keep going.

These are my 3 key creative inspirations.

1 • My son

I became a dad in 2021 to the cutest little twig, Atlas Grey.

He has forever changed my life for the best.

My son is a complete joy. He inspires me every day through his innocent wonder of the world.

Witnessing the gears churn in his brain as he develops and learns new things is one of the most fascinating things to watch.

Whenever I’m in a bad mood, playing with him cheers me up and makes all my worries melt away.

His smiles, his giggles, his love. It’s the most heartwarming feeling to have him in my life.

My son is my happy. He’s my reason for being.

2 • Nature

I live in the Black Hills of South Dakota and am surrounded by some of the most beautiful places on the planet. I’m very fortunate to live where I do and be able to easily submerse myself in the surrounding beauty.

There is nothing like the euphoric feeling of being surrounded by nature.

Feeling the energy that connects the earth to my feet provides me with a sense of peace and rejuvenation.

I’m continually amazed at the natural world.

Every time I go exploring I find something new that blows my mind. Whether it’s a breathtaking view of something so grandeur or the tiniest detail tucked away in the bed of the forest, only to be found by those that are paying attention.

Nature stimulates all of my senses and makes me feel whole. Nature is simply magical.

Combining my creativity with my love and appreciation for nature has helped me find my groove as an illustrator.

3 • Music

My music choices are based on intention these days.

I find myself searching for songs that have lyrics that resonate with me instead of listening to songs because they “sound cool.”

I care more about how the music makes me feel. I choose my music based on my mood, or the type of mood I want to be in.

Music can give me a joyous high and make me feel alive and also bring on waves of sadness and deep thoughts.

When I hear a piece of my story in an artist’s lyrics that are told in such an eloquent and beautiful way that hits me right in the feels … oofta, I don’t even have words to describe that feeling.

But it’s that feeling that I’m constantly searching for. It’s that feeling that makes music so powerful. It’s that feeling that makes me realize I’m not the only one going through certain situations, happy or sad.

And it’s in those moments that I feel grounded. I’m reminded that I’m a human making my way through life like everyone else.

Being creative isn’t easy.

It takes a lot of energy to be creative all the time.

It can be exhausting and overwhelming. It can also be extremely exciting and rewarding.

I’m fortunate to have inspirational sources to keep my creativity alive.

My son is the ultimate inspiration, inspiring me through his innocent wonder of the world. He reminds me to stay curious and learn new things every day.

Nature brings me the peace and rejuvenation I need. I’m constantly in awe of its wonders and try to articulate that through my work.

Music grounds me and reminds me that I’m human. It reminds me that emotions are a good thing and to pour that into my creations.

Creative slumps happen—that’s just how being creative works—but it’s about how those slumps are handled. When I’m in a slump or need an extra boost, I draw from my inspirational sources that give me the energy I need to keep going.

If you enjoyed what you just read, you can read more about why I needed to blog before I quit creating in my previous blog post, Pt. 1.

Then stay tuned to read Pt. 3 as I’ll be writing about what gives me my purpose.

If you’re vibing to this, please share and comment.

You can also follow me on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

My DMs are open, let’s make some magic!


Why I Needed to Blog Before I Quit Creating - Pt. 3


Why I Needed to Blog Before I Quit Creating - Pt. 1