Why I Needed to Blog Before I Quit Creating - Pt. 3


Passions are my purpose

When I’m not being creative, I feel empty inside.

My creative outlets keep me sane. They allow me to release my thoughts, to make my ideas come to life in a written or visual way.

Creative levels don’t stay full all the time. Creativity is like a battery, it needs to be recharged.

The consumption of my inspirational sources (Pt. 2) gives me the recharge I need to pour my creative energy into my passions.

My passions are my purpose. They’re the reason I do what I do.

These are my 3 main passions.

1 • Sustainability

I believe there are three parts to sustainability (I’ll go more in-depth on this in a future blog) but I’ll be focusing on the part where I find the most passion, which is environmental sustainability.

My biggest driving force in life right now is the state of the environment and thinking about what’s going to be left for my son’s generation—or should I say what won’t be left.

A lot of not-so-great environmental projections are scheduled to happen in the not-so-far-off future, which is absolutely terrifying.

I have zero tolerance for people who treat Earth like a trash can.

Our planet is being completely destroyed beyond repair unless we make massive change now.

We only have one Earth, there is no Planet B.

We have to be less selfish. It’s our duty to take care of our home.

And honestly, it’s not that hard.

I’m not perfect—there are still a lot of things I need to change in my lifestyle—but I’m getting there and I’m doing the absolute best I can with my situation.

Everyone’s situation is different and all we can do is strive to be the best eco-stewards possible.

I’ve given up a lot of conveniences and chosen the path of a natural, low waste lifestyle because I feel it’s my responsibility to do so.

I can’t fathom the thought of my son not having the same experiences with nature as I’ve had in my life or possibly not even having Earth to live on at all.

✨ “How can only one person make a difference?” - 7+ billion people ✨

I’m also only 1 of 7+ billion people on this planet but if we all make a simple change, that adds up to be a collective change that can create a massive impact.

We can do better. We must do better.

My creative work is becoming more influenced by doing my part to protect our home, and feeling the responsibility to talk about the environmental issues that deserve more attention and action.

2 • Illustration

Illustrating is my main creative outlet.

I’ve been creative ever since I can remember.

I’ve always loved drawing, doing crafts with my mom, creating and building things with my hands.

My parents encouraged my creativity by buying me art supplies at an early age. I would sit in my room for hours and get lost in whatever creative world I was imagining.

I loved drawing mythical/fantasy creatures, cartoon characters, and nature scenes.

A lot of those early fascinations and interests have crept back into my current illustration style and what I draw creative inspiration from.

I had an amazing high school art teacher that pushed me to my full potential and gave me the space to shine creatively.

Early on in my life, I had some incredible influences that have no doubt shaped my creativity and gotten me to where I am today.

3 • Poetry

This passion surfaced within the past few years.

I think it comes from my love for music but having the realistic understanding that I’m not capable of being a musician (I tried and failed miserably), so poetry is the next best thing for me to write my thoughts in creative ways.

I find so much joy in playing around with rhyming and phrasing to see what flows the best or makes the most impactful sentences.

Poetry has gotten me through some really tough times in my life.

It’s a place for me to be free with my writing with no real construct.

I can let my mind wander while I write, then revisit and refine to craft what I’m trying to say in a delicate and creative way.

Shaped by my passions

Sustainability, illustration, poetry — these are the areas I’m most passionate about.

Sustainability is my biggest driving force right now. My creative work is becoming more influenced by environmental issues and the urgency around creating change to protect and preserve our home.

I’ve been drawing ever since I can remember. It’s something that’s ingrained in me and a huge part of who I am. I’m an artist/illustrator at the core and it’s where I feel the most alive.

Poetry has found a cozy little spot in my life, giving me the creative writing outlet I’ve been needing.

My passions have helped me find my purpose in life.

My passions are what shape me.

If you enjoyed what you just read, you can read more about why I needed to blog before I quit creating in my previous blog posts, Pt. 1 and Pt. 2.

If you’re vibing to this, please share and comment.

You can also follow me on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

My DMs are open, let’s make some magic!


Why I Needed to Blog Before I Quit Creating - Pt. 2